This is the story of how I accidentally did more than 200 lunges in 20 minutes…
Earlier this month I embarked on a journey to get healthier. I could be one of those girls that says “I don’t care how I look, I just want to be healthier.” Heck. No. I want to be healthier, yes, and of course I would love more energy, but I also want that Jessica Alba body I promised myself freshman year of high school!!
I found out about Anna Victoria on Cosmo’s Snapchat story late last year. I have this ritual, every morning I make my coffee, sit on the couch and watch the Cosmo Snap Story, or whatever you call those little blurby things at the top of the story screen. One morning they featured Anna Victoria’s perfect day of eating. I liked all the foods she talked about so I was immediately enthralled. I stalked her on Instagram and read review after review of her Fit Body Guides. Finally I bought the meal plan. I followed it for a few weeks, not perfectly, but good enough for my standards. I loved the foods she introduced into my life! Finally, I decided I was really cheating myself out of this journey. I needed to incorporate regular and effective exercise if I was going to get the results that all the other FBG girls were getting — let me tell you, those results are IMPRESSIVE! Go on Anna Victoria’s Instagram. She is always sending love and encouragement to the FBG family and showing off their accountability photos. It is crazy how much change can happen in your body in a matter of four weeks!
Sunday, I bought the exercise guide. Yesterday, I started the meal plan over and incorporated the exercise guide into my daily life. Let. Me. Tell. You. I take things very literally. Right out the gate she has you doing lunges. It reads that you do 20 reps, 10 for each leg. Well, I read that as “10 on each leg is one rep, do 20 reps for each leg”. Yes, yes, that is 400 lunges. So, I began my journey. Oh. My. Gosh. I counted the reps down and when I got to 4 more reps to go I realized that this was hell and I had to go through the circuits 3 more times. TWELVE HUNDRED LUNGES AND SHE EXPECTS ME TO BE DONE IN THIRTY MINUTES!? I thought so I looked up how she instructs to do lunges. She tells ya how and says “That’s one rep” … So at most I was to do 60 lunges over the entire rounds of circuits. You guys. I DID ALMOST 300! At that point I was like SCREW THIS! And I just did the rest of the circuits once through, minus any lunges required. Yes. Today I hurt. Horribly.
I realize that this post is older than the hills, but on the off chance you still get these emails, did you find her meal plans to be outrageously food-packed? My breakfast didn’t leave me hungry again til lunch (but I still ate my 4 egg “snack”), and lunch just feels like I’m over-stuffing myself. Does this ever go away or get better?
Good morning! You know what, I felt EXACTLY the same way. I eventually just stopped following the meal plan. It did get better, since your body does need the calories / nutrition if you’re following the workouts, but there were some meals I couldn’t stand, and I really hated eating so much! There are some recipes I did really enjoy that I still use! I would try cutting her meals in half and see how that works 🙂