I’m currently wedding planning… and restarting Game of Thrones… I don’t know if that’s a sign or omen or what, but I find it a little odd that all I want to watch right now is old episodes of Game of Thrones…
Anyways, I digress, onto happier, non mutinous topics.
I thought this would be a good of time as any to tell you the Story of Us. Mine and Christopher’s, I mean. In 24 days we will be married!!
Also, here are some photos from our engagement shoot. Miss Grace Helen joined us out at my all time favorite Oregon spot, Pacific City, and made us feel like MODELS! REAL LIFE MODELS! It was fantastic, SHE is fantastic. If you are in the PNW, or really anywhere in the world and want an amazing photographer who has the kindest soul, she.is.your.gal. Check her out, right here!
So, the story of us:
Christopher and I met at my favorite bar. For months I had been scoping Chris out, staring every chance I got, but always sure he’d never be interested in some loud, blonde, twenty-something girl. Instead I tried to push my sweet friend, Caitlin, on to him – “c’mon Caitlin, come to Bushwhackers, that hottie will probably be there!” Finally, after one night of making, and holding, eye contact enough with the handsome man I decided, “I saw him first, you’re never gonna make a move, I’m going for it!” And so, one late summer’s night, I did.
Due to the holiday weekend all of my friends had the next day off, so we all stayed way too close to closing time. I took my chance near last call when Chris was alone at the bar. I walked right up, firmly set my beer on the bar, and honestly, the rest is history. I tried to sound interesting and told him I lived in a barn, which was not a lie, I really did, but quickly followed up with “but I also kind of have a wiener dog…” (why I thought Jonas would be a deal breaker, I have no idea. Chris is literally marrying me FOR Jonas.) He responded with “well, I kind of have a corgi.” And that’s when I knew.
But then he didn’t call. Or text. For. A. Week. As legend has it, he dropped his phone in the river, but I, of course, didn’t know that. After a couple days, I panicked “I PUT MY NUMBER IN HIS PHONE WRONG!” “He thinks I’m too young for him.” and on and on. So, then the stalking happened. But how the heck do you find a “Chris” on Facebook? That’s a needle in the haystack scenario. I searched and searched, but no luck. And then… What do you know… Facebook suggests him as a “People You May Know”. I couldn’t believe it! I quickly recruited the person I know who is best at stalking, names have been omitted, but you know who you are!! We found out that he indeed had a corgi and that corgi’s name is Bilbo… … … my faith in our future had been restored! An oddly shaped dog named after a hobbit, he could not be more perfect if he tried!
After a week of no calls, no texts, I recruited two more friends to accompany me back to Bushwhackers where I knew he would be. That Thursday night, our story began with a motorcycle ride, mischievous adventures and confessions of the crushes we BOTH had on each other for months. He even claims that he tried talking to me months prior, I have no recollection of the occasion.
So now, here we are. Planning and plotting the rest of our days together.
Fantastic blog, don’t know why you stopped writing it! Get back at it girl!